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LETTER: Parking fees at Island View Beach would restrict recreational access

LETTER: Parking fees at Island View Beach would restrict recreational access

I am writing concerning the proposal to charge for parking at Island View Beach.
LETTER: Melting is the Colwood snow removal plan

LETTER: Melting is the Colwood snow removal plan

The subject of snow clearing of sidewalks is quite a popular subject just now. Colwood has a good plan, called the “eventually plan.” Eventually the sun will melt the snow from the sidewalks. Eventually the sun will melt the big windrow of snow from the bike lanes.
LETTER: Central Saanich mayor opposes parking fees at regional parks

LETTER: Central Saanich mayor opposes parking fees at regional parks

A visit to a regional park is always an uplifting experience, and our parks role in our mental and physical health has become clearer to us during the past year than perhaps than ever before. Our incredible parks in the Capital Regional District (CRD) provide an opportunity to connect to nature and get exercise.
LETTER: Weary of wait for vaccines

LETTER: Weary of wait for vaccines

Where’s the vaccine in B.C.? Already the first quarter is nearly over. Second quarter, third quarter, when?
LETTER: Mount Douglas a good model for Clover Point

LETTER: Mount Douglas a good model for Clover Point

I am trying to imagine what the First Nations people thought of what is now known as Clover Point back in 1821, and hundreds if not thousands of years before that.
LETTER: Neighbour lends a hand

LETTER: Neighbour lends a hand

I am thankful to live in North Saanich. When snow hit everyone pitched in.
OP-ED: 1 year into pandemic, B.C.’s tourism sector hopes for a light at the end of the tunnel

OP-ED: 1 year into pandemic, B.C.’s tourism sector hopes for a light at the end of the tunnel

Only about 17 per cent of businesses have been operating as usual in B.C.
LETTER: New Oak Bay Marina proposals only a start of what can be done

LETTER: New Oak Bay Marina proposals only a start of what can be done

Consider additional moorage, more amenities says planner
LETTER: Clean up after your dog

LETTER: Clean up after your dog

My wife and I are vacationing in your wonderful community. We enjoy daily walks on the Rotary Pier and Boardwalk. Today there were two occasions where dog owners allowed their animals to do their business on the path and left the piles behind.
LETTER: Neighbours lend a hand with snow clearing

LETTER: Neighbours lend a hand with snow clearing

In these often challenging times, a bright spot can sometimes appear, brought about by the kindness of others. My husband and I experienced this with the recent snowfall.