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LETTER: Saanich staff salaries out of line

LETTER: Saanich staff salaries out of line

I find the salaries paid to the top local bureaucrats in Saanich rather offensive. One is paid $60,000 more than the premier of B.C. Saanich has to clean up their house. The Saanich police chief from two years ago was making $10,000 to $15,000 more than the premier does today to look after 181 officers and a few dozen other staff.
LETTER: Article unfair to pickleball players

LETTER: Article unfair to pickleball players

After being asked by Wolfgang Depner to discuss pickleball, we were excited about the proposed article and looked forward to pickleball highlighted in the Peninsula News Review
LETTER: Masks should be worn outside

LETTER: Masks should be worn outside

With the advent of new variants, social distancing and mask wearing is critical. This should also be the case for all outdoor activity. I cannot tell you the number of times, when I, fully masked, have encountered mask-less walkers, joggers, and cyclists who have forced me onto the road because they refuse to provide at least six feet of distance.
LETTER: Hood Canal castoff not wanted in Sidney

LETTER: Hood Canal castoff not wanted in Sidney

I would like to see a proper wharf, similar in appearance to the existing structure, replacing the present Beacon Wharf – certainly not a floating catastrophe … a castoff from the Hood Canal.
LETTER: Human activity not a significant factor in climate

LETTER: Human activity not a significant factor in climate

The author of the letter to the editor that appeared in the Feb. 3 Saanich News insisting that more needs to be done for the climate seems remarkably out of touch on climate science, real-world climate trends, the business world, and economics.
LETTER: Clover Point a perfect spot for a quick break

LETTER: Clover Point a perfect spot for a quick break

It is 4 a.m. and I am so angry at Victoria city council that I have to write this email.
LETTER: Vaccine delay no cause for alarm

LETTER: Vaccine delay no cause for alarm

Re: the delay in vaccine distribution. Seeing as how most media types these days are armchair doctors, vaccination and medical experts who in their minds could have done much better than the government in most aspects of the vaccine distribution, I have a question to ask.
LETTER: Lack of parking could drive up congestion around Saanich developments

LETTER: Lack of parking could drive up congestion around Saanich developments

When I lived in Portland, Ore. there was usually room to park for two hours in the metered spaces beside the downtown streets. Portland has a bylaw which states that buildings have to have enough parking stalls within the building to accommodate the people using the building.
LETTER: Leave Clover Point parking alone

LETTER: Leave Clover Point parking alone

Clover Point is well known to be one of the most consistently windy spots in the Capital Region, hence the frequent presence of kiters and paragliders there. In fact, there are times that it is so windy that kiters and paragliders, as well as cyclists and pedestrians, will not even dare to venture down to the water’s edge at Clover Point. And yet, people do enjoy going down to Clover Point on such days, in cars.
MALCOLMSON: 2020 left us grappling with overdose tragedy and working for change

MALCOLMSON: 2020 left us grappling with overdose tragedy and working for change

B.C.’s Addictions Minister reflects on visit to Overdose Prevention Society in Vancouver