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LETTER: Remembrance Day another casualty of COVID

LETTER: Remembrance Day another casualty of COVID

On Remembrance Day I was one of maybe 120 people attending ceremonies at Veterans Park in Langford. To me it was “The Day We Did Not Remember Them.”
LETTER: Marlene Davie worked tirelessly for Mount Tolmie

LETTER: Marlene Davie worked tirelessly for Mount Tolmie

There are times when you meet a community member who strikes you as a truly exemplary person. A person who is dedicated to community service, integrity, kindness, leadership and most important, at her core - profound care.
LETTER: COVID measures carry heavy toll

LETTER: COVID measures carry heavy toll

I continue to be astounded by the one-sided view we are being given by most media outlets on the coronavirus. I believe this makes it extremely difficult for people to form an intelligent opinion on this important issue.
LETTER: Park residents feel betrayed by rezoning process

LETTER: Park residents feel betrayed by rezoning process

Written and verbal assurances given to residents of TriWay Manufactured Home Park regarding rezoning and redevelopment by Langford Mayor Stu Young, Langford council, the city and developer, evaporated during the now completed rezoning process. Residents’ representations were ignored, leaving no choice but to pen this open letter to Mayor Young.
LETTER: Too many ignore risks of COVID

LETTER: Too many ignore risks of COVID

I recently met a friend at his office on the West Shore and we decided to grab a coffee down the road. We both wore masks, and when we entered the coffee shop it was like entering a time warp (pre COVID).
LETTER: Sidney stuck with a third-rate library

LETTER: Sidney stuck with a third-rate library

Your readers should know that the Sidney council has delayed any discussion about a library review until the fourth quarter of 2022.
COLUMN: Holiday shopping in 2020 crucial to Greater Victoria businesses

COLUMN: Holiday shopping in 2020 crucial to Greater Victoria businesses

Jeff Bray is the executive director of the Downtown Victoria Business Association
LETTER: Parks acquisition benefits climate

LETTER: Parks acquisition benefits climate

Kudos to Capital Regional District board members who recently supported a $1 a year boost to our region’s parks acquisition fund to help “reduce the impact of climate change, boost the population’s general well-being during COVID and protect biodiversity.”
OPINION: Island Health doctors call on residents to ‘double down’ to slow spread of COVID-19

OPINION: Island Health doctors call on residents to ‘double down’ to slow spread of COVID-19

Positive cases increasing at a rate that causes concern for health officers
LETTER: Together, for a brighter future for all British Columbians

LETTER: Together, for a brighter future for all British Columbians

‘Time and time again, British Columbians have shown resolve and strength in coming together’