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GUEST COLUMN: COVID-19 masks mandatory in B.C., but not everywhere

GUEST COLUMN: COVID-19 masks mandatory in B.C., but not everywhere

Orders require them where necessary, Provincial Health Officer says
LETTER: Camping has taken toll on beloved Victoria park

LETTER: Camping has taken toll on beloved Victoria park

My walk through Beacon Hill Park the other day was so incredibly depressing. Before COVID, it was an oasis where I sought refuge. It was also one of my favourite go-to places for nature photography. I will never understand how or why our current city council ever thought it was the right place to accommodate the homeless 24/7.
LETTER: Frontline workers helping us cope with COVID

LETTER: Frontline workers helping us cope with COVID

Moving though this time of doom and gloom, the COVID-19 virus is affecting us all, catching it has made people fearful and weary. Stores are closing and folk’s livelihoods and jobs are disappearing due to this invisible menace.
LETTER: Oak Bay Police crack down on dangerous intersection

LETTER: Oak Bay Police crack down on dangerous intersection

Thank you to the Oak Bay Police for handing out fines to drivers failing to stop for the stop sign at Cadboro Bay Road and Beach Drive. Please keep up the good work and please do it more often at this dangerous intersection.
LETTER: MLAs get enough perks without rich pensions

LETTER: MLAs get enough perks without rich pensions

So two different opinions regarding last week’s letters on MLA pensions. It’s beyond me that a writer would label the Canadian Taxpayers Federation as a right wing think tank when their simple message is to reveal bad government spending habits, which is longer than the Trans Canada Highway. Money wasted can affect many people’s lives in health care, mental well-being and a basic need to live accordingly.
LETTER: Daughter falling through cracks in mental health system

LETTER: Daughter falling through cracks in mental health system

With reference to the article ‘Spike in mental health calls alarms frontliners’ in the Nov. 4 Goldstream Gazette, I submit the following.
LETTER: Cannabis health concerns overlooked

LETTER: Cannabis health concerns overlooked

We would like to thank Coun. Terri O’Keeffe for her public stance on retail cannabis business applications at Sidney council meetings. We agree with her position that these retail stores are different from any other retail business given the clear warnings from Island Health regarding location buffers and their broader points about the availability of cannabis.
LETTER: Enclosed ferry decks not safe for passengers

LETTER: Enclosed ferry decks not safe for passengers

I am writing in response to the Nov. 4 Saanich News editorial concerning the Transport Canada regulation prohibiting passengers from remaining in vehicles accommodated on enclosed car decks.
LETTER: Sidney’s heritage trees appreciated

LETTER: Sidney’s heritage trees appreciated

The large Monterey cypress trees that grace some of the older streets in Sidney are very beautiful and provide an attractive and functional street canopy.
LETTER: Priorities should guide landfill’s future

LETTER: Priorities should guide landfill’s future

A proposal to extend the life of the Hartland landfill, which involves an expansion entailing the destruction of more than 70 trees is being contemplated by the CRD.