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LETTER: Grumpy Taxpayer$ say Island Corridor survey off the rails

LETTER: Grumpy Taxpayer$ say Island Corridor survey off the rails

Grumpy Taxpayer$ has examined the conclusions of the Island Corridor Foundation survey (Rail survey finds strong support for revitalized service on Vancouver Island, Victoria News, Oct. 16) and awarded them their not-really-coveted top Pinocchio Award.
LETTER: Streets crowded by RV parking

LETTER: Streets crowded by RV parking

In the Oct. 15 edition, Norm Rider wrote about lack of parking enforcement in Central Saanich. The same situation exists in Sidney, with a town-wide 24-hour maximum parking limit.
LETTER: Grateful for wallet’s return

LETTER: Grateful for wallet’s return

To the kind person who found my wallet and handed it in to the Beacon Avenue Post Office on Oct. 16: Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your honesty and help. A very kind post office lady delivered the wallet to my house. Thank you both.
LETTER: Social distancing sign removed from trailhead

LETTER: Social distancing sign removed from trailhead

For now going on 20 years, I have been an invasive species volunteer in Mount Douglas Park. For the past five years, I have worked in the “West Blenkinsop” side of the park, which runs from Blenkinsop Road to Whittaker Trail in the east. During these years, I have accessed the park using Mercer Trail for entering and exiting.
LETTER: Homeless can’t be blamed for inadequate support for seniors

LETTER: Homeless can’t be blamed for inadequate support for seniors

Often using simplistic logic for complex concepts draws incorrect conclusions. Such is the case with the letter to the editor under the headline “Put homeless to work” in the Oct. 14 Goldstream Gazette.
Paying respect to veterans

Paying respect to veterans

Reader asks how to honour veterans during coronavirus
LETTER: Population straining B.C. power supply

LETTER: Population straining B.C. power supply

It’s sad and quite funny a longtime NDP voter would blame Site C issues on a project started by the BC Liberals that was at the point of no return.
LETTER: Rail service an election issue

LETTER: Rail service an election issue

I have sent a letter to all Vancouver Island candidates in the upcoming provincial election to enlist their support to help restore rail service to Vancouver Island once and for all. The topic has been discussed for years by all levels of government since passenger rail service was cancelled in 2011. Quite frankly this issue should have been resolved long ago.
LETTER: Speculation tax unfair

LETTER: Speculation tax unfair

One annoying aspect of the current government’s legislation has been the speculation tax. Every year I have to complete a form to show that the house I have occupied for 40-plus years is owner-occupied.
A genuinely compassionate community

A genuinely compassionate community

Strangers come to the aid of neighbour