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Food bank manager rises to pandemic challenge

Food bank manager rises to pandemic challenge

If governments deem food banks an essential service, why don’t they pay the managers? Reader asks
LETTER: Development stripping away Sidney’s character

LETTER: Development stripping away Sidney’s character

Turning left from Second Street onto James White Blvd, is quite a shock these days.
LETTER: Close B.C.’s borders to provincial traffic

LETTER: Close B.C.’s borders to provincial traffic

So now the snowbirds from the eastern provinces, in particular Quebec and Ontario, are migrating west to B.C. seeing as they can’t go south this winter.
LETTER: Victoria byelection an unnecessary expense

LETTER: Victoria byelection an unnecessary expense

You may be aware that Victoria taxpayers are paying at least $ 440,000 for a byelection this year. This is due to the very short tenure as city councillor for Laurel Collins, who resigned in 2019 after winning a seat as MP (NDP) for Victoria.
LETTER: Put the homeless to work

LETTER: Put the homeless to work

These days during the election campaign, most British Columbians are concerned as to where their money is going. In our democratic system we the taxpayers should be in charge of our spending.
COVID fears bring irrationality to polls

COVID fears bring irrationality to polls

Reader asks how will we know mail-in ballots legit
LETTER: Dog park needed in Saanich

LETTER: Dog park needed in Saanich

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Saanich has a great opportunity to fulfill a lot of residents’ wishes, by making a dedicated dog park in their district.
LETTER: Central Saanich parking bylaws not enforced

LETTER: Central Saanich parking bylaws not enforced

Central Saanich has one of the least restrictive parking bylaws anywhere I’ve looked. One can park 72 hours before they run afoul of the bylaw. Unfortunately even after 72 hours the municipality does nothing despite being notified early in the 72-hour period, and a reminder when the period expires.
Finish four-lane highway to Sooke

Finish four-lane highway to Sooke

Reader says project on the books for over 40 years
LETTER: Buddha not appropriate for cannabis shop’s name

LETTER: Buddha not appropriate for cannabis shop’s name

I am in total agreement with the letter written by Michael Madrone regarding the name of the proposed cannabis shop in Sidney.