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Letter: Editorial on mask wearing not based on facts

Letter: Editorial on mask wearing not based on facts

Re: Wearing a mask isn’t much to ask (Our View, Aug. 26)
Letter: Artistic expression on mural simply another form of hate

Letter: Artistic expression on mural simply another form of hate

As a retired Victoria police officer, I feel compelled to respond to the art being displayed on the brick walkway at Bastion Square, where artists have inscribed the initials ACAB within the art piece. This acronym means All Cops are Bastards.
LETTER: Cannabis shop should be welcomed by Sidney

LETTER: Cannabis shop should be welcomed by Sidney

In 2001, the federal government established the Medical Marijuana Access Program to regulate the use of medical cannabis. The industry evolved as researchers and doctors, using evidence-based research, developed cannaboid-based products to help people manage a range of medical conditions, especially pain.
LETTER: City Hall simply moving the problem of homeless camps

LETTER: City Hall simply moving the problem of homeless camps

This is so rich. After years of ignoring the concerns and complaints of this city’s citizens who have been victimized by the sharp rise in criminal activities following the establishment of “tent cities” in their neighbourhoods, Mayor Lisa Helps and her cohorts quickly snap into action when such an encampment arises on their doorstep at Centennial Square. Unfortunately their “solution” is to dump the campers onto someone else’s doorstep. The hypocrisy is mind boggling and completely shameless.
LETTER: Upcoming bike lane extension in Fairfield a burden, resident says

LETTER: Upcoming bike lane extension in Fairfield a burden, resident says

Re: letter to the editor, Gail Meston “ Oak Bay should embrace alternative transportation options. ” It amazes me how anyone can think the destruction of a couple of neighbourhoods (not only Oak Bay but Fairfield Gonzales) to build an unnecessary bike lane will resolve so many issues reflected in Ms. Meston’s letter.
LETTER: Action urgently needed on blasting

LETTER: Action urgently needed on blasting

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LETTER: Blasting destroys region’s geology

LETTER: Blasting destroys region’s geology

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LETTERS: Masks should be properly disposed of

LETTERS: Masks should be properly disposed of

Too many are disposing of their masks wherever they feel like it
LETTER: Path blocked to Highlands sanctuary

LETTER: Path blocked to Highlands sanctuary

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LETTER: Landfill expansion will bring increased truck traffic

LETTER: Landfill expansion will bring increased truck traffic

CRD making changes to Hartland landfill