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LETTER: Notices remain too long on power poles

LETTER: Notices remain too long on power poles

On my walks in the morning, I have always noticed notices of different sorts nailed to the power poles. A very good place to get the word out on any subject. I’ve even used it myself when we have had a plant sale. But we have always gone out the next day and removed these notices.
LETTER: Speeding vehicles a hazard on Lagoon Road

LETTER: Speeding vehicles a hazard on Lagoon Road

Ocean Boulevard should reopen but only after mitigation issues are addressed.
LETTER: Squirrels driving gardener nuts

LETTER: Squirrels driving gardener nuts

This year I decided to do my potted patio garden with more perennials to save money, because these plants will return every year. That was my goal.
LETTER: Safe supply a solution to overdose crisis

LETTER: Safe supply a solution to overdose crisis

In the days that followed the overwhelming feelings of grief and shock, I grappled for answers. I wanted something tangible, I wanted something to fight for. I wanted something or someone to be angry at.
LETTER: Too much dead wood at city hall

LETTER: Too much dead wood at city hall

The news mentioned that the mayor and council for the City of Victoria are looking at hiring two new people, I think that the salaries mentioned were $100,000.
LETTER: It’s time to find new home for John A. Macdonald statue

LETTER: It’s time to find new home for John A. Macdonald statue

Why wait to relocate Sir John A. Macdonald?
LETTER: Victoria needs homeless task force

LETTER: Victoria needs homeless task force

Mayor Lisa Helps and her council must get out of the homeless crisis. They are destroying our beautiful city. In one month they spent 30 million tax dollars buying and renting hotels.
LETTER: Shelter would change neighbourhood’s character

LETTER: Shelter would change neighbourhood’s character

I am writing to express concern about the possibility of the Oak Bay Lodge being turned into a homeless shelter, temporarily or otherwise.
LETTER: Shelter would bring more problems than Oak Bay can handle

LETTER: Shelter would bring more problems than Oak Bay can handle

We are a family of four who live in very close proximity to Oak Bay Lodge. It goes without saying, we have grave concerns about the proposed homeless shelter. Naysayers who say that Oak Bay just doesn’t want it in our own backyard, are looking through rose-coloured classes and ignoring facts.
LETTER: Keep Ocean Boulevard closed

LETTER: Keep Ocean Boulevard closed

There have been a number of letters bemoaning the closing of Ocean Boulevard to through traffic. Most of these cite the “online survey” as some form of proof of democratic consensus on the closure. Each of these also mention vehicle traffic as some definitive metric to justify the reopening.