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Local Flavour: Youth take the lead in Victoria’s Pollinator Leadership Team

Local Flavour: Youth take the lead in Victoria’s Pollinator Leadership Team

Guest writer Thompson Hygge, summer intern with Pollinator Partnership Canada

LETTERS: Visitors should be treated with respect

I’d like to address Premier Horgan’s comments regarding those in B.C. whose licence plates show that perhaps they are from elsewhere, and if B.C. citizens are unfairly bothering these people they people should simply take transit to stop from being harassed.
LETTER: North Saanich should honour terms of land donation

LETTER: North Saanich should honour terms of land donation

I read with interest your recent story on 95-year-old North Saanich resident Gerry Furstenau who has donated a plot of land near Deep Cove School to the District of North Saanich, and to have it named “Wolfgang Orchard” in honour of his brother. Part of the agreement with the District of North Saanich is the lot is to be preserved in its original state.
LETTER: Piece of Saanich heritage in peril

LETTER: Piece of Saanich heritage in peril

Neighbours are very upset with the subdivision application for the Rogers’ farm house on Woodhall Drive as the home and land is on Saanich’s heritage register, built in 1925 but not protected. The application involves cutting Garry oaks and Douglas fir to make room for two additional building lots which will radically change the character of the property and the feeling of the street. The lot is 0.46 acre which will be divided into two strata; the other fee simple.
LETTER: Make Ribfest a drive-thru event

LETTER: Make Ribfest a drive-thru event

It seems such a shame that yet another annual event has fallen victim to the COVID-19 pandemic with the cancellation of Ribfest.
LETTER: Food trucks a challenge for social distancing

LETTER: Food trucks a challenge for social distancing

Hats off to Langford council for hiring additional bylaw officers to ensure Langford residents and visitors are practicing social distancing and staying in small groups.
LETTERS: It’s 2020, time for livestreaming of council meetings in Langford

LETTERS: It’s 2020, time for livestreaming of council meetings in Langford

With the recent adoption of livestreaming in the Town of View Royal, Langford is the only jurisdiction in the region, aside from tiny Metchosin, that does not allow live public viewing online of its council meetings.
Reforming the PST can be a powerful tool to get people, businesses back to work long-term

Reforming the PST can be a powerful tool to get people, businesses back to work long-term

Stronger tomorrow plan offers blueprint for job-rich recovery, says Jeff Zweig and Greg D’Avignon
LETTERS: Colwood council ignores public’s wishes

LETTERS: Colwood council ignores public’s wishes

A survey was completed that overwhelmingly resulted in citizens stating that they wanted the Lagoon Road open.
John Arnett tribute appreciated

John Arnett tribute appreciated

Reader says former Mirror publisher new the difference between ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’