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LETTER: Climate change is as big of a threat as COVID-19

LETTER: Climate change is as big of a threat as COVID-19

Both climate change and COVID-19 are horrible crises that everyone should worry about, but right now the world is focusing on what they both do to the economy. Everyone is very focused on COVID-19 but we also want to make sure everyone knows that climate change is still here and we need to do something. You cannot just say, “Oh, someone else will deal with it.” No, you need to stand up, we are all part of this and we all need to work on this problem together.
LETTER: Rules for barbers and stylists place people in jeopardy

LETTER: Rules for barbers and stylists place people in jeopardy

I am a barber in Victoria and, though I am very much looking forward to the day I go back to work and see my friends and customers again, I am very concerned about how the announcement of return is being handled.
Our species to save: Use this time to learn more about Canada’s endangered animals

Our species to save: Use this time to learn more about Canada’s endangered animals

We share our country with about 80,000 known wild species, 800 of them are endangered
COLUMN: Residents should explore B.C. to help tourism industry amid COVID-19

COLUMN: Residents should explore B.C. to help tourism industry amid COVID-19

Jock Finlayson is executive vice president and chief policy officer of the Business Council of BC
LETTER: Protect the planet, not big oil

LETTER: Protect the planet, not big oil

It’s interesting to note that while the world is focused on news regarding the coronavirus, our rights and votes are not being taken into account in terms of bills being passed and laws being created.
LETTER: Victoria doctor provides personal level of care

LETTER: Victoria doctor provides personal level of care

As a senior with a medical history that includes cancer and heart issues, this COVID-19 pandemic seems to have people like me in its crosshairs, and I might have been living in abject terror were it not for a few special people in my life.
LETTER: Charting a new course for forestry

LETTER: Charting a new course for forestry

The plan of the B.C. post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force will be announced soon. A viable plan will identify different and new demands affecting natural and economic forces determining post COVID-19 success and survival.
LETTER: Time to clean up Saanich camp

LETTER: Time to clean up Saanich camp

I am very pleased to hear that our B.C. government is providing good homes for the homeless, and hope that will apply soon in Saanich.
LETTER: Cyclists must share the trail

LETTER: Cyclists must share the trail

The conduct of a significant number of cyclists using the regional trails in Saanich leaves much to be desired, spoiling the enjoyment of the trails for other users and creating safety risks. This has had the effect of discouraging many walkers from using the trails at all. In our current COVID-19 situation, when members of the community are encouraged to remain active, our trails provide an excellent environment for exercise.
LETTER: Virtual mental health support available during COVID-19

LETTER: Virtual mental health support available during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging on many levels. For some people, it’s meant a disruption in their daily routine and social life, and for others it’s meant the loss of a job. Children and youth are missing the friends and activities they love. And sadly, some families are grieving the loss of a loved one.