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LETTER: Reopening carries risks

LETTER: Reopening carries risks

Re: New rules for barbers and stylists give rise to anxiety
Mayor’s message: Saanich restart may look different than other communities

Mayor’s message: Saanich restart may look different than other communities

District follows its own necessary path, B.C. Restart Plan in wake of COVID-19 closures
LETTERS: Banning short-term rentals is government overreach

LETTERS: Banning short-term rentals is government overreach

Re: Sidney councillor calls for ban of all short-term rentals .
LETTER: Sidney should open its arms to backyard hens

LETTER: Sidney should open its arms to backyard hens

In these unprecedented times, faced with a threat to our very food security, it would only be appropriate for the Town of Sidney to be looking at legalizing backyard hens.
LETTERS: New sidewalk etiquette

LETTERS: New sidewalk etiquette

Think people. With six-foot distancing, if you stop, stand or sit on or near a sidewalk, you are effectively blocking it for everyone else.
LETTERS: Monarchy is not the answer

LETTERS: Monarchy is not the answer

A recent letter to the editor suggested that monarchy would be an improvement on our current political system.
Local Flavour: Growing Together launches Seedlings for Saanich Seniors giveaway

Local Flavour: Growing Together launches Seedlings for Saanich Seniors giveaway

By Linda Geggie
COLUMN: B.C.’s labour minister should look at COVID-19 financial carnage amid minimum wage increase

COLUMN: B.C.’s labour minister should look at COVID-19 financial carnage amid minimum wage increase

The timing couldn’t be worse for any government decision that drives up costs for business, writes Jock Finlayson
COLUMN: Canada needs to remember rural communities as thoughts turn to pandemic recovery

COLUMN: Canada needs to remember rural communities as thoughts turn to pandemic recovery

Small towns often rely on tourism, which has been decimated by COVID-19
MLA REPORT: Members expect to head back to the legislature this summer

MLA REPORT: Members expect to head back to the legislature this summer

Adam Olsen is the MLA for Saanich North and the Islands