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LETTER: Government leaders need to address dirty money issue

LETTER: Government leaders need to address dirty money issue

Tom Fletcher’s column, Money-laundering melodrama made for TV , is a sad example of the indifference of some of the media to the multi-faceted harm of the money-laundering industry in B.C., and Canada.
B.C. Building Trades, not taxpayers, financed my Red Seal training

B.C. Building Trades, not taxpayers, financed my Red Seal training

Union representative responds to Tom Fletcher’s column
Rickter Scale: Winged wonders of the world

Rickter Scale: Winged wonders of the world

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column
LETTER: Saanich council is out of touch with taxpayers

LETTER: Saanich council is out of touch with taxpayers

Now that our tax bills are available for Saanich residents, reflecting a 5.2 per cent increase for the average household, we thought it was the right time to consider if Saanich council is out of touch with its taxpayers.
LETTER: Rising CO2 and temperatures not necessarily linked

LETTER: Rising CO2 and temperatures not necessarily linked

A missing bit of information in the article, Carbon dioxide at highest levels for over 2.5 million years, expert warns of 100 years of disruption , is that from about 1400 AD until about 1850 AD, the Earth was in a period called the Little Ice Age.
LETTER: Encourage alternative transportation before building parking lots

LETTER: Encourage alternative transportation before building parking lots

So perhaps it was because it was Bike to Work Week, maybe the wonderful weather or the staff of all the shops in Sidney took time off during the week.
LETTER: Abortion access is not the solution

LETTER: Abortion access is not the solution

This biased article in the May 24 Goldstream Gazette failed to acknowledge another person involved in abortion access; the unborn who have no voice or choice.
LETTER: Green space must factor in decision of new Crystal Pool site

LETTER: Green space must factor in decision of new Crystal Pool site

Is a facility for health and wellness, both physical and social, not as important as green space?
EDITORIAL: D-Day sacrifices should stir concern today

EDITORIAL: D-Day sacrifices should stir concern today

Seventy-five years have passed since nearly 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy. The D-Day assault was the beginning of the end of the horror inflicted on the world by the fascist regimes of Europe.
B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s construction rebuild showing some big cracks

B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s construction rebuild showing some big cracks

Highway cost overruns have just begun under U.S. union deal