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Thetis housing project clouded by confusion

Thetis housing project clouded by confusion

View Royal mayor clarifies details about Capital Region Housing Corporation project
LETTER: Climate change is threatening the planet

LETTER: Climate change is threatening the planet

Fossil fuels are ruining our environment and polluting the whole world.
‘Conservation financing’ could stop old-growth logging

‘Conservation financing’ could stop old-growth logging

Reader says with this type of financing province recognizes the benefit of forests
COLUMN: Forestry at the heart of B.C.’s export economy

COLUMN: Forestry at the heart of B.C.’s export economy

Jock Finlayson is the exectuive vice president and chief policy officer of the Business Council of BC
LETTER: Let carriage operators work in peace

LETTER: Let carriage operators work in peace

It is my understanding council voted May 16 on whether to review the horse and carriage industry next September, with the idea of phasing them out. And ridiculously replacing them with e-carriages, a.k.a. automobiles.
LETTER: Phase out Ben Isitt, not horse-drawn carriages

LETTER: Phase out Ben Isitt, not horse-drawn carriages

Coun. Ben Isitt wants to kill the horse-drawn carriage trade in Victoria, which in all likelihood also will mean killing the horses currently pulling these carriages.
LETTER: Sidney residents shine in their generosity

LETTER: Sidney residents shine in their generosity

On May 15, my friend and I were having a birthday dinner at Corner Thai. When I asked for the bill, I was told that someone – and they wouldn’t divulge who it was – had payed for our dinner. How wonderful is that!
LETTER: Transit trashers are out of touch

LETTER: Transit trashers are out of touch

Having relocated to the Peninsula in this decade and having experienced public transit globally, I scratch my head at the local transit bashers and those who feel they are entitled to a free ride.
LETTER: Fletcher ‘blurs reality’ on B.C. union public construction

LETTER: Fletcher ‘blurs reality’ on B.C. union public construction

Bridge, highway projects awarded to companies, not unions
B.C. VIEWS: Reality of our plastic recycling routine exposed

B.C. VIEWS: Reality of our plastic recycling routine exposed

Turns out dear old China wasn’t doing such a great job