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LETTER: Flower theft doesn’t hold water

LETTER: Flower theft doesn’t hold water

During lunch time recently I was sitting in the window of a restaurant on Beacon Avenue admiring the wonderful planters full of spring flowers that Sidney creates.
LETTER: Carbon free is a myth

LETTER: Carbon free is a myth

I think I can see it all now. Totally carbon free atmosphere.
LETTER: Spot the danger before you play

LETTER: Spot the danger before you play

Accidents can happen in a split second. As the weather warms up and kids spend more time outside, I encourage parents, teachers and community group leaders to help pass on The War Amps PLAYSAFE message.
LETTER: Cyclists need more from BC Transit

LETTER: Cyclists need more from BC Transit

Why do city buses only have the ability to carry two bicycles? My Smart car can carry two.
LETTER: Don’t feed the squirrels

LETTER: Don’t feed the squirrels

Squirrels are cute little animals and children like to watch them. Parents put peanuts out to attract and feed them.
LETTER: Happy to have helped senior after accident

LETTER: Happy to have helped senior after accident

I just read the article about the senior trapped under a scooter.
Rickter Scale: A quitter’s curious collection of cures

Rickter Scale: A quitter’s curious collection of cures

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column
COLUMN: Major green Canadian refinery on B.C. coast good for two provinces

COLUMN: Major green Canadian refinery on B.C. coast good for two provinces

Fossil fuels will be around for forseeable future, let’s capitalize
LETTER: Human life is more valuable than stone

LETTER: Human life is more valuable than stone

I too watched in dismay as Notre Dame burned and was amazed at how monies immediately began pouring in for its restoration – nearly a billion dollars within hours.
LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

I read with surprise Cole Migvar’s April 26 letter to the editor. He stated that “no significant change has been observed in homicide rates after the introduction of gun laws” but provides no statistics or evidence to back up this statement.