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OPINION: Putting people first and getting results

OPINION: Putting people first and getting results

‘We’re going to keep working hard to make life better for people,’ writes Premier John Horgan
LETTER: Victoria’s amazing history springs from its maritime past

LETTER: Victoria’s amazing history springs from its maritime past

I am writing to express my personal support for the Maritime Museum’s current proposal for national status.
LETTER: Saanich needs an affordable housing strategy

LETTER: Saanich needs an affordable housing strategy

We are in the midst of a housing crisis unfortunately, and Saanich has thus far not done enough to address this issue.
LETTER: Careful consideration is needed before adopting a rabbit

LETTER: Careful consideration is needed before adopting a rabbit

As Easter approaches once again many youngsters are hoping that a sweet, fluffy rabbit will be their new best friend.
LETTER: Vegan diet vital to fight climate change

LETTER: Vegan diet vital to fight climate change

There is no gentle way to put it. Humans are stupid. We can’t even see what is in front of our noses.
LETTER: Vaccinations prevent later ailments

LETTER: Vaccinations prevent later ailments

I have been hearing impaired since I was about eight years old. I can only think that it was due to the measles I contracted at about that age.
LETTER: Electric buses make fiscal sense for Victoria’s traffic woes

LETTER: Electric buses make fiscal sense for Victoria’s traffic woes

A recent editorial said $95.6 million “ is a small price to pay for many of those left fuming for over an hour as they make their daily commute from the West Shore into downtown Victoria .”
LETTER: Protests are the basis of freedom

LETTER: Protests are the basis of freedom

I see no discernible connection between the headline and the body of a recent Tom Fletcher column and it left me confused.
Rickter Scale: The view through a smoky mirror

Rickter Scale: The view through a smoky mirror

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column
LETTER: Some fishing needs to take place

LETTER: Some fishing needs to take place

Local politician urges residents to give views on fishing