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LETTER: Dental costs take a bite out of Saanich resident's budget

LETTER: Dental costs take a bite out of Saanich resident's budget

Federal government dental plan can't keep pace with rising costs
LETTER: Peninsula book sale helps open new chapter for grads

LETTER: Peninsula book sale helps open new chapter for grads

Sale raises $3,000 for education fund that supports four scholarships to young women
EDITORIAL: 911 funding shift burdens south Island taxpayers

EDITORIAL: 911 funding shift burdens south Island taxpayers

Local governments struggle with looming tax hikes as provincial funding support evaporates
LETTER: Fix Victoria's housing crisis from the bottom up

LETTER: Fix Victoria's housing crisis from the bottom up

A real affordable housing policy would provide units for 30% of monthly income
FORSYTH: Patio gardening is not for the faint of heart

FORSYTH: Patio gardening is not for the faint of heart

COLUMN: Failure is life’s greatest teacher
LETTER: North Saanich pickleball closure can't compare to Jasper devastation

LETTER: North Saanich pickleball closure can't compare to Jasper devastation

No one should take a profound tragedy like the one in Jasper and turn it into a political football for a community dispute
LETTER: Saanich zero waste policy going nowhere

LETTER: Saanich zero waste policy going nowhere

Saanich's zero waste survey is a waste of time
LETTER: Grieving Saanich grandfather pleads for compassionate approach to addiction

LETTER: Grieving Saanich grandfather pleads for compassionate approach to addiction

Consumption sites may look like nothing more than “drug dens” to Pierre Poilievre, but they are part of a legitimate spectrum of support for people dealing with addiction
LETTER: Government compounding health-care crisis

LETTER: Government compounding health-care crisis

The sooner politicians get out of the business of managing and legislating health care, the sooner we will see improvements
LETTER: Development exacts a cost on Greater Victoria tree cover

LETTER: Development exacts a cost on Greater Victoria tree cover

Could municipalities and developers face lawsuits for exacerbating effects of climate change?