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LETTER: Performing arts make a substantial contribution to Victoria’s economy

LETTER: Performing arts make a substantial contribution to Victoria’s economy

As an avid supporter of the performing arts in our community and in particular Pacific Opera Victoria (POV), where I serve as a board member, I am dismayed by the recent decision of the Royal/McPherson Theatre Society (RMTS) to dramatically increase rental rates and restrict access of the local not-for-profit arts groups which rely on the Royal Theatre as the venue for their performances.
LETTER: Thanks to all who helped improve the pathways in Sidney’s Blue Heron Park

LETTER: Thanks to all who helped improve the pathways in Sidney’s Blue Heron Park

Just before Christmas, the Memorial Park Society published an ad thanking the individuals and businesses who did so much to improve the pathways in Blue Heron Park.
B.C. VIEWS: For 2019, wishful thinking replaces evidence

B.C. VIEWS: For 2019, wishful thinking replaces evidence

‘CleanBC’ recycled strategies and gestures don’t help environment
LETTER: Thanks for the Christmas spirit in Sidney

LETTER: Thanks for the Christmas spirit in Sidney

Sincere thanks and appreciation to those caring helpers who rise at the crack of dawn on Christmas day to prepare turkey dinner for Sidney residents held at the Mary Winspear Theatre .
LETTER: A round of applause for the Sidney Community Christmas dinner volunteers

LETTER: A round of applause for the Sidney Community Christmas dinner volunteers

What an absolutely wonderful Christmas community dinner . This is the first time I had the pleasure to be there on Christmas Day.
LETTER: Wind storm highlights danger of trees in urban setting

LETTER: Wind storm highlights danger of trees in urban setting

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LETTER: Let the windstorm serve as a readiness warning

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B.C. VIEWS: John Horgan on LNG exports, ride hailing and taxes

B.C. VIEWS: John Horgan on LNG exports, ride hailing and taxes

Premier discusses transit and climate action in year-end interview
LETTER: Transit rep should be an electable position

LETTER: Transit rep should be an electable position

As a public transit user and municipal councillor pursuing improvements to public transit, I think it’s time to see legislative changes.
LETTER: Bike lanes downtown Victoria have led to more cyclist infractions

LETTER: Bike lanes downtown Victoria have led to more cyclist infractions

Cyclist infractions need to be stopped before somebody gets hurt.