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PETER DOLEZAL: Equity markets – stumbles and challenges

PETER DOLEZAL: Equity markets – stumbles and challenges

Peter Dolezal is the author of three books, including his recent Third Edition of The Smart Canadian Wealth-Builder.
EDITORIAL: No escaping wrath of climate change

EDITORIAL: No escaping wrath of climate change

The political fight over the carbon tax continues to rage on across the country, with the federal government at odds with several provinces who vow to take on Ottawa on behalf of beleaguered taxpayers.
LETTER: Saanich did the right thing by ticketing HarbourCats van

LETTER: Saanich did the right thing by ticketing HarbourCats van

It’s about time. Applause to Saanich for stepping up and doing something about the van that has been stored in the Braefoot Parking lot for the past few years.
B.C. VIEWS: Going back to the disco era of labour relations

B.C. VIEWS: Going back to the disco era of labour relations

NDP may remove restrictions on school strikes, union sign-ups
LETTER: First Past the Post may be old, but it’s not broken

LETTER: First Past the Post may be old, but it’s not broken

I received my voter package in the mail. At first blush it seems to be a scheme to create more politicians at taxpayer expense.
Mommy’s Inside Voice: Date nights fail to replicate the passion of life before kids

Mommy’s Inside Voice: Date nights fail to replicate the passion of life before kids

Mommy’s Inside Voice is a weekly column by Amie Jay, a local mother of three.
MP Column: The vanishing affordable house

MP Column: The vanishing affordable house

Murray Rankin is MP for Victoria
LETTER: Proportional Representation is ideal, but better than what we have now

LETTER: Proportional Representation is ideal, but better than what we have now

Congratulations to the editorial staff for taking a stand on electoral reform in British Columbia (Our View - Change can be a scary thing - Oct 26), and good for you for carrying a letter advocating for the status quo . The author appears to represent those in society who find change scary, those who would rather live with a familiar pain than risk an unfamiliar pleasure.
LETTER: Canada’s voting systems need to modernize

LETTER: Canada’s voting systems need to modernize

I recently spent five days on the train to Toronto, doing something I never expected — being illuminated by fellow travellers on proportional representation (Pro Rep). The train was full of tourists from abroad — from Germany, Australia, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, Ireland, and more. Without our usual distractions, people had real conversations wherever they congregated.
LETTER: Ranked ballots give voters more of a voice

LETTER: Ranked ballots give voters more of a voice

If Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps truly believes that she has been given a strong mandate to implement her vision for this city, and that her victory by a margin of more than 3,000 votes over her closest rival is something to boast about, then surely she would not have any problem with holding a referendum as soon as possible so that the 2022 mayoral election results will be determined by a ranked ballot, which was used to elect the mayor at the polls in London, Ontario on Oct. 22, 2018.