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LETTER: B.C. needs to join the ranks of ‘enilightened democracies’

LETTER: B.C. needs to join the ranks of ‘enilightened democracies’

I am sick and tired of political parties with huge financial backing from you know who getting elected and running the country for the benefit of their friends.
LETTER: Proportional Representation will bring a voice to the majority

LETTER: Proportional Representation will bring a voice to the majority

I can’t help but wonder why we don’t think it’s too complicated for our children to learn how to listen and co-operate, yet those who oppose Proportional Representation would have us think we cannot manage it as adults.
LETTER: Solve Malahat woes with a tunnel

LETTER: Solve Malahat woes with a tunnel

In response to taking the Island highway around by Saltspring Island, I would suggest that we drive a tunnel from the top of Tunnel Hill for the two southbound lanes to come out by the entrance to Goldstream campground.
LETTER: Lack of accessible parking creates additonal barriers for people with disabilities

LETTER: Lack of accessible parking creates additonal barriers for people with disabilities

I commend David Willows’ audit of accessible parking spots in downtown Victoria .
LETTER: First Past the Post isn’t perfect, but we understand it

LETTER: First Past the Post isn’t perfect, but we understand it

If you sign a contract that has a problem, then you start with a problem. The voting referendum is an example of a problem.
LETTER: Vote yes to PR and restore power

LETTER: Vote yes to PR and restore power

Re: Change can be a scary thing (Victoria News, Our View, Oct. 26)
LETTER: Changes to voting system should only come when all parties agree

LETTER: Changes to voting system should only come when all parties agree

Judging by the revival tent rhetoric at their recent rally, the NDP and the Greens expect B.C. voters to blindly vote for Proportional Representation, and then trust some unknown legislative committee to work out the details later.
LETTER: A poverty reduction strategy is useless unless it is effective

LETTER: A poverty reduction strategy is useless unless it is effective

With the introduction of poverty reduction legislation, I am hopeful. I’m hopeful because the provincial government undertook an extensive consultation process this past spring that asked citizens about their experience, their observations, and their solutions to poverty in this province.
LETTER: Bypass the Malahat and divide Salt Spring Island

LETTER: Bypass the Malahat and divide Salt Spring Island

A big problem with Pat Clements’ idea for bypassing the Malahat is the divide on Salt Spring Island – a civil war would erupt between those wanting easy access for jobs (which Salt Spring lacks) and those who claim to want isolation thought they live on the benefits of access to bring supplies and help.
LETTER: Pro Representation advocates are keeping voters in the dark

LETTER: Pro Representation advocates are keeping voters in the dark

I just received the Voter’s Guide to the Referendum Question on Electoral Reform. I was hoping for a clear choice between our current system and a clearly articulated alternative proportional system. Instead the Guide describes three complicated alternative systems, two of which are not used anywhere else in the world, and none of which provide the clarity I was seeking.