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LETTER: Mayor Helps doesn’t get it

Helps fails to grasp that government does not create the economy

LETTER: Politicians provide us with comic relief

“B.C. politics easily makes up in entertainment what it lacks in edification.”
B.C. whaling – an uncomfortable history

B.C. whaling – an uncomfortable history

Filtering out the uncomfortable parts of our past does no favours to anyone.
U.S. is ripping us off on water

U.S. is ripping us off on water

Columbia River Treaty's token payments for hydro power don't recognize value of flooded farmland, irrigation or salmon recovery
LETTER: Nisga’a Nation not a ‘parallel state’

LETTER: Nisga’a Nation not a ‘parallel state’

Nisga'a Lisims President Mitchell Stevens responds to criticism of benefits from self-government by treaty
2015: the year of climate adaptation

2015: the year of climate adaptation

Forget whether your SUV is causing climate change. It's time to prepare of mega-fires and water conflict with the U.S. Pacific Northwest

A holiday by any other name is Hogmanay

Celebrating Christmas in the days of Fort Victoria
Climate talks end 2014 in disarray

Climate talks end 2014 in disarray

Peru climate conference kicked off with everyone pretending China and Obama made a breakthrough, went downhill from there

LETTER: Help available for hoarders

Help is available for people to gain control over clutter

LETTER: No allegiance to Queen ill-advised

I suggest Mayor Lisa Helps’ choice to neglect allegiance to the Queen was ill advised.