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EDITORIAL: A deeper meaning of Christmas

We should all try to use the day, and the season, to act more from a place of love than fear.

West Coast Trail born out of tragedy

The government decided that something must be done about the ever-mounting death toll of the 'Graveyard of the Pacific'

LETTER: Esquimalt mayor an unfair target

Barb Desjardins perceptive enough to understand that sewage proposal was not in the best interest of Esquimalt

EDITORIAL: Don't underestimate the value of heritage

B.C.’s history is still relatively young, but we can’t pass up on opportunities to enhance it and help it grow.

LETTER: More funding needed for police

Lack of policing in general has been a major cause of loss of business downtown

LETTER: Surely, we can live with a few deer

Millions of people around the world manage to share their city with all kinds of animals

LETTER: When Christy Claws comes to visit

This mean-spirited policy ensures that the child remains in poverty

CRD needs fresh start

Hopefully over the next four years directors can come together to stimulate change.

LETTER: Two views of democracy

The difference between direct democracy and representative democracy
Clark on climate, clawbacks, credit cards

Clark on climate, clawbacks, credit cards

A year-end interview with Premier Christy Clark touches on natural gas, climate change, BC Ferries and the growing budget surplus