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PETER DOLEZAL: Real estate now back to a balanced market

With monthly home sales in Greater Victoria reaching 15 per cent of total inventory, our local real estate market has clearly shifted

PENINSULA LETTERS: Vote smarter in Sidney

I’m shocked that people in political power could care so little about their public opinion in a town as small as Sidney!

LETTER: Teachers' work never ending

Many people do not see the amount of work teachers do everyday
EDITORIAL: A few rules for summer fun

EDITORIAL: A few rules for summer fun

Here are a couple of points that need repeating to keep summertime fun

PENINSULA LETTERS: Task force recognized all downtown items suggested

As you have well reported, the mandate of the Mayor’s Downtown Revitalization Task Force is to take the pulse of Sidney’s business area

HELEN LANG: Do you prefer hot or cold?

It is definitely getting warmer and the calendar claims it is summer but I haven’t heard of anyone going for a swim

OUR VIEW PENINSULA: Check your riding habits

Get back into the habits we were taught as young riders. Avoid the tickets and fines. Avoid disastrous interactions with vehicles.

PENINSULA LETTERS: North Saanich OCP hearing

The CRD Board recently decided in a 12-10 vote to allow North Saanich to move forward with a Regional Context Statement amendment

LETTER: Help available for veterans

Veterans Affairs minister points out help available for all veterans leaving Canadian Forces

EDITORIAL: Legal smokers become illegal

New rules against smoking leaves smokers left with shrinking public space in which to enjoy a legal activity.