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LETTER: Points clarified in Tom Fletcher's column

Some clarifications regarding Tom Fletcher’s column on the Tsilhqot’in decision

Saanich letters: Shelbourne needs fresh ideas

Shelbourne needs fresh ideas, Teachers can't help recession

WEST SHORE LETTERS: Colwood sewage letter hits the mark

Residents should be worried about sewage project, given city's track record

WEST SHORE LETTERS: Radar could be best solution for speeders

Langford roadway could use some extra enforcement, reader writes

Community plan should include vision for dog-friendly spaces

I was trying to establish why the provision of clean and safe beaches was eradicated from the draft official community plan.
A brief history of B.C. treaty talks

A brief history of B.C. treaty talks

The slow march to aboriginal title recognition started with Social Credit, and included a referendum still misunderstood today

Oak Bay OCP has great future vision

Toronto visitor praises draft community plan

Art is in the public eye in Oak Bay

Isn’t it great to be talking about art, instead of deer?

WEST SHORE LETTERS: Colwood should think twice before locating sewage plant

Colwood has other ready made holes in the ground for sewage plant

More people in Oak Bay will mean more vibrancy

There is a need to effectively manage growth so that we minimize potential problems.