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CRD deer cull should go ahead now

Deer-feeding fines are useless and unenforceable

Copy the EU on recycling

What a relief to hear that there are at last improvements coming in the way we (non) recycle glass
Forget the issues, pass the muffins

Forget the issues, pass the muffins

The scandalous new MLA lounge with "free muffins" is part of a strikingly expensive refit to improve legislature wheelchair access

EDITORIAL: We need more than LNG dreams

Tech, military and shipbuilding could fill void in Greater Victoria

Here’s the scoop on all that dog poop

After much thought on how to approach this subject, I decided to not sugar coat it but tell it like it is

Offshore profits

To muddy the waters further, we find out that Japan (Japex) owns 10 per cent and Brunei (Petroleum Brunei) owns three per cent

Suites not suited for Oak Bay

Editorial entitled “Larger fines are not enough” in your Feb. 26 edition was right on the mark.

Prosperity Mine rejection misses the mark

It boggles the mind that the federal government said no to such an important economic catalyst as the New Prosperity mine.

Snow no obstacle, thanks to the town

I want to thank the Town of Sidney and owners of condos and homes for the excellent clean-up job last weekend and at the start of the week

Leadership is about serving people

To rely on a flawed survey that serves his own intention, disregarding a broader survey from residents, reveals a lack of leadership