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Smart meter rant not so smart

Columnist should double-check his information before labeling opposition a circus of quackery

Think of environment with proposed King's Pond development

Environmental study needs to be done ahead of development project

EDITORIAL: Bully tells us how to behave

WorkSafe B.C. should stick to what it does best, not mandate anti-bullying policies

Residents are fighting back

The residents of Tanner Ridge and Martindale Valley are the ones who have been bullied by Foundation Organics and now we’re fighting back

Avoiding dubious, obsolete points

As French dramatist Robert de Fler said, “Democracy is the name we give the people whenever we need them."

Composting needs better options

The Tanner Ridge community web site is a genuine reflection of the concerns that face these residents daily

OUR VIEW: Can get some satisfaction

A survey of 300 citizens gave the municipality glowing reviews

Stench needs to be eliminated

The composting facility is a good idea and very necessary but eliminating the stench has to be addressed

Do it right

I agree Foundation Organics has squandered a unique opportunity to demonstrate they are able to operate their composting facility properly

EDITORIAL: Paying the price for infrastructure

Province should give serious consideration to UBCM's revenue sharing proposition