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More walkable communities add to affordability

Living beyond our needs a problem in western society

Taking aim at reader’s 9/11 building theory

Reader pokes holes in conspiracy theory around other trade centre building

Have the guts to elect protectors

Talk of licensing mobility scooters is hot air unless municipal politicians put more police on the streets to stop dangerous riders

Unsafe vehicles are the bigger threat

Motor vehicles are awash in regulations and laws regarding their use

Don’t be blissfully ignorant

Support for a cull would have more credibility if those voicing it did so with full information.

HELEN LANG: The best-laid plans of nuts and chickens

October is a lovely month, the heat of the summer is over and the winter rains haven’t really started

Sizzle, not substance, sells the steak for NDP

Why would local MLAs want to be leader of the provincial NDP? The party can’t even figure out what kind of leader they want.

Homeowner rights are endangered in Oak Bay

The deer in Oak Bay are safe. Right now, it’s homeowners who are the endangered species.

Concert was more noise pollution

One wonders what was happening to the hearing of the two-year-old sleeping through the performances.

Letter not helpful or humorous

I read with disgust the letter that your paper published