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LETTER: Saanich parks should be shared by all

LETTER: Saanich parks should be shared by all

For 18 years my wife and I enjoyed one and later, another Newfoundland dog on Cadboro Bay Beach and parks. They were off-leash so they could be dogs and we could enjoy them swimming and playing and fetching and running. The benefits of dogs for people’s health and well-being are well-known and documented.
LETTER: Saanich council faced with divisive task

LETTER: Saanich council faced with divisive task

Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock and councillors are tasked with a challenging and divisive decision to make on June 26 regrading the People, Pets and Parks strategy. Their decision will affect current and future generation’s families, their pets and parks usage.
LETTER: North Saanich council summaries available

LETTER: North Saanich council summaries available

Some PNR readers will know that for the past eight-and-a-half years I’ve been writing up notes of North Saanich council meetings and, through the auspices of the North Saanich Residents Association, getting them out to members.
LETTER: Saanich strategy caters to minority of park users

LETTER: Saanich strategy caters to minority of park users

I waited until the rain had eased today before taking my dog to our local park for a walk and a bit of fun with her ball. I go there every day. The park was empty when I got there, then slowly filled up with fellow dog walkers, a woman taking a brisk walk, and a few families who showed up to play basketball.
LETTER: Dog leash bylaw a waste of Saanich’s resources

LETTER: Dog leash bylaw a waste of Saanich’s resources

Why is Saanich contemplating the expenditure of some $5-$7 million over the next five years and an additional $800,000 for the foreseeable future to amend the current dog leash bylaw?
LETTER: Dogs play important role in health of the community

LETTER: Dogs play important role in health of the community

I live in Cadboro Bay with my lovely three-year-old golden retriever, who happens to be a certified therapy dog. He does good work, and when he is not working he needs to enjoy life. He lives for running free along trails with me. His health and mine both depend on this. I moved to this area specifically because of the wonderful opportunities to be outside with him, off-leash, and safe.
LETTER: Saanich saying dog owners don’t belong here

LETTER: Saanich saying dog owners don’t belong here

“You belong here” is a motto that all of Saanich parks, recreation and community services representatives follow in their daily planning, coordinating, thinking and approach to public service for the community.
LETTER: Governance review needed in North Saanich

LETTER: Governance review needed in North Saanich

All politicians achieve office by virtue of the will of those who cast of the majority of votes. Once elected they serve the interests of those who voted for them, those who did not, those who chose not to vote, and those interests which have no vote.
LETTER: Oak Bay council must look to the future, not safeguard the past

LETTER: Oak Bay council must look to the future, not safeguard the past

Affordable or not affordable? Accessible or not accessible? Densification or no further densification?
LETTER: Saanich offers clarification of People, Pets and Parks strategy

LETTER: Saanich offers clarification of People, Pets and Parks strategy

Saanich has seen a significant increase in visitors – both human and canine – to our 172 parks over several years. This is great news! However, we need to balance the needs of all park users, mitigate any potential negative situations involving dogs and continue to respect the environment. A balanced approach ensures everyone enjoys their experience.