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LETTER: Patio heater decision ignores climate impact

LETTER: Patio heater decision ignores climate impact

I would like to point out the mixed message Oak Bay council is sending to the community around climate change and their declared “Climate Emergency”.
LETTER: Dogs should be excluded from PKOLS-Mount Douglas

LETTER: Dogs should be excluded from PKOLS-Mount Douglas

The consultant’s final recommendations in Saanich’s People, Pets and Parks (PPP) study, will be considered by Saanich council on June 26. Our society has serious concerns about its recommendations for PKOLS-Mount Douglas Park related to dogs, the damage they have done to the park ecosystem and the lack of recommendations within the report that will address this.
LETTER: Province usurping municipal authority

LETTER: Province usurping municipal authority

B.C. has gone too far. Provincial legislation must apply equally to the entire province. So when B.C. applied a speculation tax on certain municipalities but not others, then threatens to undermine democracy by overriding 10 specific democratically elected local councils, red lights flash!
LETTER: Loss of parking a concern

LETTER: Loss of parking a concern

I read your recent editorial on the loss of parking and agree totally. I also think there are several more problems that you could have added. I am only hoping that your words might help change some of this silliness.
LETTER: Traffic enforcement saves lives

LETTER: Traffic enforcement saves lives

A recent letter writer was indignant about being ticketed for a seatbelt infraction. The fact that they were ticketed on Mother’s Day is irrelevant.
LETTER: Surtax would punish homeowners

LETTER: Surtax would punish homeowners

After reading the article in the May 10 Saanich News about UBC’s Paul Keyshaw advocating for a surtax on homes valued at over $1 million, I had several questions.
LETTER: Residents shouldn’t subsidize parking

LETTER: Residents shouldn’t subsidize parking

Re: Our View: “Loss of parking spaces limits tenants’ options.”
LETTER: Affordability a bigger concern than parking

LETTER: Affordability a bigger concern than parking

Building homes for cars as a condition of building homes for people is a bundling problem that increases the cost of much-needed shelter.
LETTER: Reducing parking requirements improves housing affordability

LETTER: Reducing parking requirements improves housing affordability

Your recent editorial claims “loss of parking spaces limits tenants’ options.”
THE MOJ: Robinson’s time to shine

THE MOJ: Robinson’s time to shine

Lions’ receiver has breakthrough game in Regina