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Community garden warrants discussion

Re: Group pushes for community garden in Royal Oak, (News, June 12); and Saanich runs risk of no community garden, (Letters, June 19)

Protecting land at issue

MLA writes in response to recent column by Simon Nattrass

Plenty of benefits to new Hydro investments

We need to ensure we have a diverse grid that can provide reliable power today, says B.C. energy minister

Cheap shot taken at popular MP unfounded

Check MP's travel costs and expenses on the web. She spends way less of our taxpayers’ monies than many who live closer to Ottawa

EDITORIAL: Plenty of Sidney to go around

Sidney residents and business owners certainly like to share what they have with visitors and guests to their community

No booze on the beach

When we continue to have drinking drivers not only killing themselves, but innocent victims, why, why, do we need booze at the beach?

Roundabout the numbers

I read with interest the statement from Constable Seutter that the “severity of crashes” has declined at the McTavish interchange

Central Saanich needs to stand up for itself

It is far past time that Central Saanich stands up for itself and its residents and shuts this inappropriate operation down

RED SERGE: Summer a time to be more cautious on roads

West Shore RCMP offer reminders about dealing with the quirks of summer

End electric car subsidies

Switching electric incentives to natural gas makes more sense in long run