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Dr. Seuss’ 1950s visit left a fond memory

Former patient remembers the day renowned children's author came for visit

Regional shout-out given to CRD arts program funders

Some Greater Victoria municipalities fund regional arts, others do not

Ticketman strikes in city at unsuspecting parkers

Commissionaires lurking around every corner, it seems

Weaver taking aim at natural gas exports

Re: Weaver sworn in as first Green MLA (News, June 12)

O.B. Tea Party left a bitter taste

The exclusion of the rides and midway activities in the tea party weekend is a decision that I’d like to see

Politicians expenditures should be available

Elizabeth May, Green Party leader, stated unequivocally she posted all of her expenditures online

Spencer Road needs pedestrian crossing

Senior reader uses accesses regularly to access medical appointments in downtown Langford

Don’t blame Lunn for the interchange

Why does Mr. Brian Shepherd of Sidney in a recent letter to the editor, blame Mr. Lunn for the perceived ills of the interchange?

HELEN LANG: Summer sunshine really gets the blood circulating

We are working up to the longest day of the year but from June 21 on, we are losing around three minutes of daylight every 24 hours

Lowering speed limits on Malahat safest bet

Putting up new speed limit signs shouldn't be too expensive, reader writes