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LETTER: Community needs reliable information on the OCP process

LETTER: Community needs reliable information on the OCP process

We all have the right to access and understand evidence, especially when that evidence is being used to make decisions that impact our lives. However, knowing what evidence to trust is not easy in today’s complicated information landscape.
LETTER: Saanich developing strategy to address biodiversity

LETTER: Saanich developing strategy to address biodiversity

Saanich recognizes the need to improve the resilience of ecosystems and enhance biodiversity.
LETTER: Cyclists and pedestrians must share YYJ pathway

LETTER: Cyclists and pedestrians must share YYJ pathway

I want to commend the YYJ Airport Authority for their recent improvement of etiquette signage on the Flightpath multi-use pathway. I refer to the painting of paired pedestrian and bicycle symbols on the pavement. The intent is to draw attention to and promote that the pathway is for the shared use of both.
OUR PLANETARY HEALTH: Nurses have an ethical duty to advocate for climate justice

OUR PLANETARY HEALTH: Nurses have an ethical duty to advocate for climate justice

Why would nurses care about climate change?
LETTER: Municipal tax system needs overhaul

LETTER: Municipal tax system needs overhaul

Kudos to William Wallace ( Letters , April 20 ) for bringing up the issue of high municipal spending in times of run-away costs, especially food prices and mortgage rates.
POPHAM: B.C.’s tourism industry poised for the travel season and return of visitors

POPHAM: B.C.’s tourism industry poised for the travel season and return of visitors

As we celebrate Tourism Week in British Columbia, we recognize this industry, and the people who work in it, for its important contributions to our province.
LETTER: District must end neglect of Carnarvon ball fields

LETTER: District must end neglect of Carnarvon ball fields

The advent of the baseball season again shines a light on Oak Bay’s neglect of youth sports and our community ball fields and recreation culture.
LETTER: Tillicum bike lanes complicate commute

LETTER: Tillicum bike lanes complicate commute

Vernon Lord hits the nail on the head with his comments about the badly designed Tillicum bike lanes.
Are 4/20 events in B.C. influencing youth marijuana use?

Are 4/20 events in B.C. influencing youth marijuana use?

Community outreach coordinator speaks on the dangers of teen drug use
LETTER: Anti-dog sentiment devalues volunteer efforts

LETTER: Anti-dog sentiment devalues volunteer efforts

It’s unfortunate that such an anti-dog sentiment has been directed toward the great volunteers trying to make things better at Mount Douglas Park (PKOLS).