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Guest Comment: Skilled workers fuel B.C.’s economy

Skilled and educated workers are B.C.’s most critical resource.

Editorial: Platforms ignore low-cost child care

This week the B.C. Liberals and the NDP laid out their platforms on how they would help support the youngest minds in the province.

Ocean acidification not helped by sewage plant

The movie Revolution makes the point that acidification of the oceans is the greatest environmental threat our planet faces.

No truth behind sewage treatment plant

The Capital Regional District knows the truth about wastewater.
BRIAN KIERAN: NDP accused of ‘low-down shakedown’

BRIAN KIERAN: NDP accused of ‘low-down shakedown’

On the campaign trail NDP Leader Adrian Dix has been doing a passable doppelganger of a long suffering Ghandi who will speak no evil.

Metaphorical reference

The metaphorical reference to rogue state is recognized everywhere as best represented by North Korea

Author didn’t get it

Twitter is an amazing social tool but to fit comments into 140 characters, one often has to rely on assuming the audience gets it.

Canada’s isolation growing

Canada is the only country to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol

EDITORIAL: Stuck in the middle with you

North Saanich municipal council has found itself in the uncomfortable position of acting as a mediator between two warring neighbours
GRANT McKENZIE: When common sense fails

GRANT McKENZIE: When common sense fails

I’ve never been a fan of creating more laws — especially when common sense should make it unnecessary.