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Political stripes

Talk about fiscal and civic responsibilities, who bought us the McTavish Interchange?

Make Beacon Avenue pedestrian-only

Don’t go back to the old way. That didn’t work in the first place.

HELEN LANG: Sprouts and blooms of the season

The Hoya plant beside them, but facing South west and in front of a nylon curtained window, is also in bud.

Elizabeth is amazing

I can’t thank Elizabeth May enough forher amazingly prompt attention to my request

EDITORIAL: Wright’s passion is his legacy

Bob Wright was the stuff of legends

West Shore columnist answers weighty political question

Mortimore queries Juan de Fuca MLA John Horgan on weight-loss

Langford market needs more help, planning to consider coupling

Looking to Moss Street success would be a start toward consideration of coupons at the popular Goldstream market

Sing your pride

When O Canada was played, no one sang

Canadian jobs must come first

Canadians should be outraged by RBC using trained Canadian workers to train temporary workers to outsource their jobs

BIA is working hard

Recent articles and comments in the PNR indicate some points of clarification about the recently established Sidney BIA would be helpful