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Oil tanker series let critics overstate impact of harbour spill

Oil tanker series let critics overstate impact of harbour spill

Letter writer John Hunter argues it's ridiculous to estimate the costs of a spill here based on the BP spill in the Gulf.

Column: Heroism resonates with Hansen

We refer to athletes who score a winning goal as heroes but to make such a claim is nonsense.

Editorial: Civil forfeiture muddies message

It is not OK to endanger the lives of innocent people but the punishment must fit the crime.

Evolution letter missed the point

Evolution within species not at issue, origins of species are

Canadian justice in lawyers’ hands

Justice depends upon financial ability to hire good legal team

Cruise ship presence a selling feature for Victoria

Some cities would die for the ambience cruise ship stops bring

Science needs facts, not faith to explain

Creation science is just religious preaching, writer says

Evidence for infinite alternatives lacking

Faith in creation and evolution linked, reader writes

Victoria council should worry about more pressing issues

Embracing what makes city unique should be encouraged

Commission events sparks self-reflection

Looking inward a major product of Truth and Reconciliation hearings