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Support for premier dubious at best

Christy Clark being hung out to dry by senior MLAs

B.C. Liberals benefit from vote-splitting too

Getting elected with less than 50 per cent of vote not uncommon

Alcohol biggest problem for First Nations

Going back to dry reserves would be a good start for aboriginal populations

Speak up now for B.C.’s pristine coast before allowing tanker traffic

Treacherous nature of B.C. waters must be taken into account

Editorial: workplace health a series issue

To some, “sick building syndrome” sounds like an invented phrase designed to create a new industry.

Our View: Juno bid shouldn’t be difficult decision

Junos had an estimated economic benefit of $12.8 million and created 262 full-time jobs in St. John’s, Nfld. in 2010

Column: Liberal win requires alternate reality

It’s May 13, 2013 – provincial election day in B.C. Premier Kevin Falcon vows to hold onto his party’s majority.

Editorial: Juno bid shouldn’t be difficult decision

You have to wonder if the attempt to bring the Juno Awards to Victoria would be easier if our city wasn’t split into 13 jurisdictions.

RCMP budget worrisome for Esquimalt residents

What will happen to township's financial plan if RCMP takes over policing in Esquimalt, reader asks

Lack of reasonable debate on environment tiresome

Reader worries about level of discussion around environmental issues