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Listen to groups seeking alternatives to deer problem

There are better ways to control the deer situation than resorting to brutal slaughter

Government should listen to message of missing-women march

Memorial marchers ask us to remember the missing women. But Canadians need to do is work to stop the cycle of violence.

Rugby’s stars need a place to play

There’s got to be some way to see more of Canada’s rugby team in Victoria besides at practice, or on the Premier League sidelines.

Businesses must be kept in loop

One group of stakeholders was left out of consultations in the pending closure of Craigflower Bridge.

It’s time to think outside the proposed Northern Pipeline

Two reasons for the proposed Northern Pipeline are the removal of bitumen from the tar sands and to send the stuff to Asia.

B.C. Ferries should be run as a business by business people

B.C. Ferries has been a product of its own demise largely due to the fact that it is run by the provincial government.

Raising OAS eligibility brings too many problems

I am surprised that there has been little or no discussion of cognitive and physical decline of adults due to normal, healthy aging

Lessons of desecration should be communication

Re: Religion at fault for persecution of the Jews (Letters, Jan. 20).

Deer discussion begins heating up

Members of DeerSafe have a challenge on their hands.

Complaints about branch collection changes Victoria’s plans

I have been informed by a member of the Parks Department, both orally and by email, that the city has received numerous complaints