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Secondary sewage treatment could be a community project

As a candidate for council I stood for secondary sewage treatment.

Chandler Gonzales pathway a shocking waste of money

Re: Mid-block pathway revival a no-brainer (News Jan. 6).

Patience key to solving traffic woes

I don’t want to admit it but I’m one of those drivers who gets annoyed by a slow cyclist inconveniencing a lane of car traffic.

Government that allowed Occupiers should pay for them

Why so much non-policing labour required for Occupy

Overpopulation should not be an excuse for killing

I am complete agreement with the writer of Boltgun killing of deer is not a kind death (Letters Jan. 6).

Availability and marketing more important in booze consumption

My first reaction to your, Rise minimum booze prices: study (News online) article was: what utter rubbish.

True alcohol reading makes a difference in ‘one for the road’

While out for our Christmas dinner, my wife and I overheard an interesting conversation at the next table.

Grinchy bird feeder stealers may have had tails

The grinches who removed the bird feeders from the Galloping Goose trail may have been squirrels.

Province must fund Malahat unit

A new traffic enforcement unit focused on the Malahat will cost, but promises to save lives.

Northern Gateway is about profits versus environment

The battle lines are drawn, and Northern B.C.’s pristine wilderness is the latest front