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Editorial: Community must come together to revive All Sooke Day

Many communities have a special day of celebration. Why not Sooke?
LETTER: Ways for voters to hold their council to account

LETTER: Ways for voters to hold their council to account

Your newly minted council has packed away the election signs, attended an orientation session on local government, and found their executive chair around the table.
LETTER: Emergency Act no laughing matter

LETTER: Emergency Act no laughing matter

The cartoon in the Nov. 3 paper was something I could do without.
LETTER: Global effort making difference in fight against polio

LETTER: Global effort making difference in fight against polio

I am so weary of watching the news from around the world. It is simply depressing. I needed some good news and found it this morning in a report by the National Polio Emergency Operations Center.
LETTER: Council must keep closer eye on financial support for Mary Winspear Centre

LETTER: Council must keep closer eye on financial support for Mary Winspear Centre

As reported, the Mary Winspear Centre had its charitable status revoked recently by the Canada Revenue Agency for failure to file required financial information.
LETTER: BC Ferries should make room for pets

LETTER: BC Ferries should make room for pets

The letter ‘Keep pets off ferry decks’ in the Oct. 27 PNR brings up some interesting problems. First, I am sorry that you have allergies to pets. However, your reluctance to have pets on decks and elevators needs a rethink.
Barron: Remembering when gun-toting elementary schoolkids said ‘enough’ to the rats

Barron: Remembering when gun-toting elementary schoolkids said ‘enough’ to the rats

A half-century ago, school pest-control methods were a little bit different
LETTER: Children should have to learn to deal with bullying

LETTER: Children should have to learn to deal with bullying

Re: the letter ‘SOGI a distraction from education fundamentals.’ The writer says, “Our kids are safe” and goes on to criticize SOGI. She says kids just have to “Walk away. Talk it out. Ignore.”
LETTER: Sun setting on Beacon Wharf

LETTER: Sun setting on Beacon Wharf

I agree with Coun. Sara Duncan. The Beacon Wharf, like everything else that man has built, has a life limit.
Letter: Olympic mountains keep Victoria drier

Letter: Olympic mountains keep Victoria drier

Re: Islanders brace for rainy November ( Online , Nov. 3)