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LETTER: Tory turmoil just rising to the surface

LETTER: Tory turmoil just rising to the surface

Arguably, the Conservatives’ troubles existed long before the election was called. A proper election post-mortem will confirm a list of challenges that extend well beyond the Kenney Effect, the PPC, or the public health divide.
LETTER: Questions surround Amazon warehouse

LETTER: Questions surround Amazon warehouse

After reading the article on the impact of the new Amazon warehouse to GHG emissions and traffic congestion (PNR Sept. 16), I have a few questions that I’m pretty sure Amazon could answer (this obviously being one of many distribution centres).
LETTER: Sooke needs private health clinic

LETTER: Sooke needs private health clinic

Sooke needs a private health-care clinic. It already has a private clinic that is private to those who are registered with a family doctor. It needs another private clinic where the rest of us can get health care by paying a little extra out of pocket.
LETTER: Thanks for nothing, Mr. Prime Minister

LETTER: Thanks for nothing, Mr. Prime Minister

Mr. Prime Minister, thanks for nothing.
LETTER: Charter of Rights a flawed document at its core

LETTER: Charter of Rights a flawed document at its core

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a flawed document at its core. Nobody can have rights without responsibility; it is only that which will ensure that rights can be enshrined. Every society must govern for the common good, must have order and standard obeyance to the rule of law. In the Charter, there is no mention of any such responsibilities required.
LETTER: Sooke voter approval ‘baloney’

LETTER: Sooke voter approval ‘baloney’

The two-year-long pandemic and climate crisis show clearly the roots of the problems we face - intense human activity, dense population, and brutal treatment of nature.
LETTER: Options for waterfront lacking

LETTER: Options for waterfront lacking

I read the Beacon Wharf Special Edition with great interest and thank the committee for their tireless work on this. Nevertheless, I feel the town is asking us to make an impossible choice, not because they are bad ideas, but because they are incomplete. The first option was born from a non-competitive solicitation. The second (“a reimagined waterfront”) is an idea left totally undeveloped and impossible to assess.
LETTER: Letters sum up feelings on development

LETTER: Letters sum up feelings on development

Kudos to Woody Turnquist and Rod Stiebel for their letters in the Sept. 8 edition of the Goldstream Gazette. Their words resonated with me “to a tee.”
LETTER: Returns from Amazon warehouse will pile up

LETTER: Returns from Amazon warehouse will pile up

Regarding the Amazon warehouse coming to Sidney, where will all the returns go?
LETTER: Expandable leashes put dogs at risk

LETTER: Expandable leashes put dogs at risk

I think it is time that expandable dog leashes are banned. Twice in two days I saw situations that resulted in a dog being on the road. The owner of one was walking on the sidewalk looking at her cellphone and the dog had wandered right into the traffic lane. A second instance took place on Beach Drive while the owner had crossed at a crosswalk, was walking away and the poor dog was still in the middle of the lane.