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LETTER: Sky-high prices for COVID testing

LETTER: Sky-high prices for COVID testing

Why are the places that are providing COVID-19 testing charging so much? Why are they allowed to capitalize and gauge the community on this terrible pandemic?
LETTER: Increased density supports fight against climate change

LETTER: Increased density supports fight against climate change

I write to take issue with a letter published in Saanich News on Aug. 25. The writer asks “why do the mayors of Victoria and Saanich … claim that increased residential city development actually decreases greenhouse gas emissions?”
LETTER: Pools need to enforce showering rule

LETTER: Pools need to enforce showering rule

I recently moved from the North Park neighbourhood in Victoria to Royal Oak in Saanich.
LETTER: How we get past COVID-19

LETTER: How we get past COVID-19

Here we go again, in pandemic crisis mode for the fourth time.
LETTER: Save the planet over saving money

LETTER: Save the planet over saving money

More grumbling about a snap election. It is happening and with a blessed short campaign. Elections Canada has determined we can do this safely. Mail-in ballots make it easy for you to vote and there will be many opportunities to vote in advance polling. The hard part is deciding who to vote for.
LETTER: There are consequences to growth

LETTER: There are consequences to growth

I won’t pretend to claim I fully understand the official community plan (OCP) issues, and frankly my cynical mind tells me that taxpayers have limited if any influence on elected politicians hard bent on going forward with what they and their friends see as good for the rest of us regardless of our views.
LETTER: Vaccine passport a necessary action

LETTER: Vaccine passport a necessary action

Is a vaccine passport intruding on my privacy? Yes - but it is a measured and necessary action.
LETTERS: Pianos sing out for all to hear

LETTERS: Pianos sing out for all to hear

She is not Lang Lang, Clara Schumann, Billy Joel or Carole King, but she can play.
LETTER: Sidney has seen enough change

LETTER: Sidney has seen enough change

Thank you Nat Klein for your very concise description of our Sidney Wharf in your letter to the editor in the Aug. 19 News Review. We have a long way to go until 2028. I think we have had enough “change” in Sidney – from a delightful small town with a “big town” feeling into Condo City. Council: Leave some character behind, please.
LETTER: Student housing problem extends beyond Oak Bay

LETTER: Student housing problem extends beyond Oak Bay

Re: The article on the student housing crisis (Aug. 19). Student housing is the responsibility of the provincial government.