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LETTER: Council must listen to residents’ concerns

LETTER: Council must listen to residents’ concerns

Two letters in Oak Bay News of Aug. 19 provide even more evidence that council is not attuned to residents’ interests and acting accordingly. However, it may be the administration who are acting as gatekeepers, holding back information and bent on preventing council from interacting with the voters.
LETTER: Aliens nothing to fear

LETTER: Aliens nothing to fear

Is alien life real? I cannot prove it, but I think probably yes. We as a species (humans) should not be too paranoid. If they really wanted to hurt us they would have done so by now. Perhaps someday we will have a good exchange of knowledge and ideas with alien life and develop a friendship with them.
LETTER: Growth diminishes Sidney’s charm

LETTER: Growth diminishes Sidney’s charm

I love Sidney and always spend most Saturdays there enjoying shopping and the beaches. But not so much anymore. It’s just not the same delightful little town that held its charm.
LETTER: Fish market a symbol of Sidney

LETTER: Fish market a symbol of Sidney

I noticed that the new Sidney calendar for 2022 is proudly displayed at a local bookstore. That the calendar is about the Town of Sidney is readily apparent in that the cover photo is of the blue and white building housing the fish market on the public wharf.
LETTER: Parks strategy will help protect environmentally sensitive areas

LETTER: Parks strategy will help protect environmentally sensitive areas

We have been dog owners throughout the 35 years that we have lived in Saanich. We support the Saanich People, Pets, and Parks Strategy and believe that there are many others in the community who support such a direction and who are concerned for the safety of their children, their elders, and their dogs. We also believe there are many in the community who are concerned about dogs running freely in environmentally sensitive areas in our parks.
LETTER: Closure of COVID assessment centres places undue strain on doctors

LETTER: Closure of COVID assessment centres places undue strain on doctors

I am a patient of Dr. Bourdon with Shoreline Medical Clinic (Brentwood Bay/Sidney). This morning on my Telehealth appointment, my doctor looked exhausted, worn out, frustrated and struggling, particularly due to a decision that the government made to close COVID assessment centres with Island Health.
LETTER: Time to stop ‘idling’ around

LETTER: Time to stop ‘idling’ around

Choosing not to idle is better for your car, saves money and reduces harmful emissions, says reader
LETTER: New world exclusion zones

LETTER: New world exclusion zones

Last week, I observed an indigenous youth, corralled by three burly RCMP officers, trussed up and hauled away from the Fairy Creek blockade. Earlier, Teal Jones employees set a large iron gate blocking Granite Main, the main access road to the upper Fairy Creek old-growth forest.
LETTER: Housing support key for recruiting doctors

LETTER: Housing support key for recruiting doctors

The recent article on housing and the RCMP was focused obviously on the force requirements, but in reality housing availability and housing costs are a recruiting and retention encumbrance not only for the RCMP but for doctors, nurses and teachers.
LETTER: Wait for pedestrians to get out of crosswalk before making a turn

LETTER: Wait for pedestrians to get out of crosswalk before making a turn

Dear drivers, when turning right across an intersection’s crosswalk, please wait for the pedestrian to get to the other side before turning so close to them. Waiting three or four seconds for a person to cross will not make a difference in your life but could save mine.