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LETTER: Building bike lanes as the downtown crumbles

LETTER: Building bike lanes as the downtown crumbles

I am writing to express my disagreement with the Richardson Street bike lane plan. First, I feel we are trapped in the clutches of a mayor who is what you might choose to call a ‘bike bigot.’
LETTER: Let neighbouring properties encroach on Saanich park

LETTER: Let neighbouring properties encroach on Saanich park

In regards to the article on what to do with Houlihan Park. Just a suggestion, but what if each property owner adjacent to Houlihan Park extended their fence into the park. It’s a long-standing tradition in our part of Gordon Head and, the best thing is, the bylaw department won’t enforce the bylaw.
LETTER: Fortunate to have called Sidney home for 25 years

LETTER: Fortunate to have called Sidney home for 25 years

As we prepare to take on our next adventure and likely our final chapter, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you; to a town and community that has been our home for more than 25 years.
LETTER: No one has a right to own a home in Oak Bay

LETTER: No one has a right to own a home in Oak Bay

Embedded in the discussion on the “missing middle” of the housing situation is an assumption that I find odd – that anyone wishing to live in any particular municipality has an inherent right to do so, often based on having grown up there.
LETTER: Graduates being denied once-in-a-lifetime experience

LETTER: Graduates being denied once-in-a-lifetime experience

Why is high school graduation being denied but youth sports entertainment is allowed?
LETTER: Richardson bike lane a necessary improvement

LETTER: Richardson bike lane a necessary improvement

Re: the letter to the editor, Richardson bike lane an obstacle for Oak Bay commuters.
LETTER: Richardson bike lane plans go too far

LETTER: Richardson bike lane plans go too far

We want to add our names to the hundreds of residents who have expressed dismay and disbelief that Victoria city council intends to proceed with the modifications to Richardson Street as outlined in recent posts.

LETTER: Club’s statement doesn’t ring true

The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Victoria tried to convince those present at the March 15 public meeting that times had changed and there was no longer any real uptake for the Metchosin Wilderness Camp. Club leadership said demand was high for their other camps but not for this outdoor adventure camp.
LETTER: Danger on the Galloping Goose

LETTER: Danger on the Galloping Goose

After walking on the Galloping Goose Trail today, we found that we were nearly run over by several cyclists, travelling far too quickly for safety sake and passing far too close to us from behind.
LETTER: Metchosin residents feel betrayed by Boys and Girls Club

LETTER: Metchosin residents feel betrayed by Boys and Girls Club

Re: Boys and Girls Club subdividing its Metchosin property.