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LETTERS: Casino a poor bet for Saanich

LETTERS: Casino a poor bet for Saanich

I am dismayed to learn of Mayor Fred Haynes’ proposal to establish a casino in Saanich.
LETTER: Will Victoria council members use bike lanes?

LETTER: Will Victoria council members use bike lanes?

Which members of Victoria city council will commit to regular bicycle commuting on Richardson Street, every day, for whatever reason or occasion, except when ice, snow or frost? If you want it, then use it.
LETTER: More density not the answer for Oak Bay

LETTER: More density not the answer for Oak Bay

I read with interest the two-part series in the Oak Bay News on densifying Oak Bay. Although the articles give an impression of neutrality, they are far from it. They are full of the tried-and-true development lobbying mantra that have been used to promote over-densification objectives throughout B.C. They paint Oak Bay as old fashioned and anti-change. “Character” is framed as an unsavory, unpleasant word.
LETTER: Horse carriages a cruel relic of history

LETTER: Horse carriages a cruel relic of history

Recent news that councillors in Central Saanich are considering allowing horse carriage tours in their municipality was met with disapproval by animal advocates from the Victoria Horse Alliance who called the expansion a desperate attempt by the carriage industry to survive in a world where animal tourism is on its way out.
LETTER: Sooke needs ‘Dark Sky Bylaw’

LETTER: Sooke needs ‘Dark Sky Bylaw’

We who are so fortunate to call Sooke our home have a responsibility to defend and champion this unique locale. You and I live in a place where, on a clear night, one can still see a sky full of stars.
LETTER: Moratorium needed on old-growth logging

LETTER: Moratorium needed on old-growth logging

John Horgan promised – if elected – to protect old-growth forest in B.C. Understandable, since 90 per cent of British Columbians want B.C.’s oldest forests protected. Now the premier, and the MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca, Horgan’s NDP government has allowed the logging of these old forest stands to continue; some say at an even faster rate than under the Liberals. Shameful, given how little is left of these world-renowned ecosystems (and carbon sinks).
LETTER: Rabbits not a good gift for Easter

LETTER: Rabbits not a good gift for Easter

Each year as Easter approaches many children yearn to own a pet rabbit. Before any parent considers adopting a bunny, let me give you some advice. Rabbits are not like cats and dogs. They are fragile creatures, and if held improperly or dropped they will suffer serious injury.
LETTER: Action needed now on old-growth logging

LETTER: Action needed now on old-growth logging

Last summer we travelled from Victoria to Port Renfrew with our daughters so that they could experience the majesty and beauty of Avatar Grove, the ancient forest right here on the Island.
LETTER: Subdivision of Metchosin wilderness lacks transparency

LETTER: Subdivision of Metchosin wilderness lacks transparency

It is always a gamble to donate to a charity. Donors want assurance their money is going to needed services. The only way for a charity to guarantee this is transparency.
LETTER: Time for a change

LETTER: Time for a change

The statement in a recent editorial, that Saskatchewan is on year-round standard time, is true but not absolutely true. An international agreement in 1884 designated longitude 105° W as the boundary separating the Mountain and Central time zones.