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LETTER: Analysis lacking from input on Oak Bay Marina options

LETTER: Analysis lacking from input on Oak Bay Marina options

The 610 people who completed the Oak Bay Marina lease questionnaire need to know their opinions have reached council with no analysis whatsoever. Staff’s report provides no tabulation of preferences, grouping of interests, or synthesis of issues. Falsely titled “a summary,” it is in fact 641 pages of individual responses. Similarly, the 59 residents who wrote council should know that council has received their 83 pages of comment without any analysis.
LETTER: Music education crucial to children’s learning

LETTER: Music education crucial to children’s learning

I was shocked, dismayed, and quite frankly, disgusted to learn about the proposed budget cuts to music programs in the Greater Victoria School District (SD61).
LETTER: Awaken to your internal place of power

LETTER: Awaken to your internal place of power

At the age of 67 and introverted, I’ve contemplated over the years the unfolding world events around me. No more so than over the last year.
LETTER: A betrayal of public trust

LETTER: A betrayal of public trust

Reader says premier shouldn’t allow logging of old-growth forests
COLUMN: Island Health solemnly reflects upon the fifth anniversary of opioid crisis

COLUMN: Island Health solemnly reflects upon the fifth anniversary of opioid crisis

A record 1,724 people in B.C. died in 2020
LETTER: Amalgamation would pave way for better transportation system

LETTER: Amalgamation would pave way for better transportation system

Thirteen municipalities do not appear to contribute to a cohesive, cooperative area-wide transportation system because progress is seemingly minimal.
LETTER: Installation a fitting tribute to Oak Bay wildlife painter

LETTER: Installation a fitting tribute to Oak Bay wildlife painter

Oak Bay council normally hears from me when I am complaining about something, and I thought for once, especially now, they should receive some praise and good news.
LETTER: Garden space forces others to the sidelines

LETTER: Garden space forces others to the sidelines

I would like to make a comment about the planned changes to the small grassy lot behind the children’s club on Lucille Drive.
LETTER: Victoria’s winter was par for the course

LETTER: Victoria’s winter was par for the course

I have just analyzed the last winter’s climate, taken here as from November to March inclusive. Beginning with November, as compared to the long-term normals for Victoria Airport, conditions were about average and close to the average total precipitation fell.
LETTER: Pickleball nothing to complain about

LETTER: Pickleball nothing to complain about

So many people love the game of pickleball. Others complain about it.