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LETTER: Councillor wasn’t silenced

LETTER: Councillor wasn’t silenced

Re: the letter Saanich councillor muzzled (Sept. 30 Saanich News). I listened and watched the entirety of the council meeting as they discussed the new development of the Shelbourne Plaza. During that time I counted three times when Coun. Chambers spoke. Each time she was recognized by the mayor. I found no time when she wasn’t allowed to provide input to the discussion.
LETTER: Site C dilemma prompts election call

LETTER: Site C dilemma prompts election call

The unnecessary and unwanted snap election which the premier has forced on us is not about his government’s stability, or about “putting politics behind us,” or requiring a majority in the House to pass important legislation, or any of the other transparent fabrications he has produced so far.
Why on earth are homeless here?

Why on earth are homeless here?

Reader says homeless shouldn’t be living in or near a park
Looking at the OCP through a climate lens

Looking at the OCP through a climate lens

Everyone who is confused about climate change should seek reliable information, reader says
Company’s COVID measures fall short

Company’s COVID measures fall short

Reader disappointed to see staff without face masks in Sooke business
LETTER: Good ideas never get old

LETTER: Good ideas never get old

Saanich Coun. Ned Taylor says he wants fresh ideas, which he thinks come from young people.
LETTER: Transportation strategy missing the bus

LETTER: Transportation strategy missing the bus

Re: South Island Transportation Strategy looks to reduce reliance on personal vehicles (Sept 28). It sounds like the provincial government plans to keep spending tens of millions of public dollars on highway expansion boondoggles in Greater Victoria, instead of immediately acting on their words about climate action and prioritizing public transit.
LETTER: Kindness alive and well in Sidney

LETTER: Kindness alive and well in Sidney

I am glad to report that kindness is alive and thriving in Sidney. Today, after purchasing a flat of winter petunias, I spilled them from my walker in the middle of the busy intersection of Resthaven and James White Boulevard.
LETTER: A thank you note to educators

LETTER: A thank you note to educators

The new school year is under way in a manner never experienced before. The usual student preparation of buying new outfits, new writing materials, even a new lunchbox was different because so few would appreciate the newness with so much else on their minds. Other school personnel had their own preparations to make.
LETTER: Mayor wearing too many hats

LETTER: Mayor wearing too many hats

The mayor of Victoria joined the national board of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation as a director this spring, one more addition to a growing list of responsibilities.