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Letter: Criminal element of street population ruining city

Letter: Criminal element of street population ruining city

The acts of violence and other criminal activity are getting out of control in Victoria. The mayor and council have abandoned the citizens of our city, the business owners and other taxpayers. They have allowed too many criminals to live on the streets.
LETTER: Calming nerves during COVID testing

LETTER: Calming nerves during COVID testing

I would like to offer my thanks to all the folks working in the COVID-19 call and testing centres.
Letter: Sympathy voiced for Peninsula restaurant operators

Letter: Sympathy voiced for Peninsula restaurant operators

I am wondering how restaurants in Sidney and North Saanich will survive the winter.
LETTERS: Lagoon a gift of natural beauty

LETTERS: Lagoon a gift of natural beauty

I just returned from the Esquimalt Lagoon. I go there at least once a week and just love it since the road has closed. Every time I go I am so grateful for the number and variety of birds that have come back since the road closure.
LETTER: Saanich council out of order

LETTER: Saanich council out of order

As I enter my 25th year of attending Saanich council meetings, the 2018-2022 council holds the record for being inconsistent in regards to calling points of order.
LETTER: Sidney has taken pandemic seriously

LETTER: Sidney has taken pandemic seriously

In the Aug 27 edition of the PNR, Denny Warner, executive director of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, stirred the pot with his comments about Sidney being smug.
LETTER: Losing patience with City Hall

LETTER: Losing patience with City Hall

Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps has stated that the problems at Centennial Square outside City Hall have escalated to the point of being “untenable.” With any luck, the electorate of this city will come to a similar conclusion that the problems unleashed inside City Hall have escalated to the point of being “untenable” on voting day in 2022.
LETTER: Victoria mayor turning blind eye to problem in city’s parks

LETTER: Victoria mayor turning blind eye to problem in city’s parks

Once again Mayor Lisa Helps is sidestepping the opportunity to provide real leadership on camping in Victoria parks. It is now patently obvious that allowing unlimited camping in the parks is a disaster and yet she refuses to do anything different.
Letter: Editorial on mask wearing not based on facts

Letter: Editorial on mask wearing not based on facts

Re: Wearing a mask isn’t much to ask (Our View, Aug. 26)
Letter: Artistic expression on mural simply another form of hate

Letter: Artistic expression on mural simply another form of hate

As a retired Victoria police officer, I feel compelled to respond to the art being displayed on the brick walkway at Bastion Square, where artists have inscribed the initials ACAB within the art piece. This acronym means All Cops are Bastards.