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CF patients need your help

CF patients need your help

Drug could change people’s lives, reader says
LETTER: Recent letter contained error

LETTER: Recent letter contained error

The letter “A World Gone Mad” which I wrote and which was published recently contained an error which was pointed out to me by a reader.
LETTER: Election call a cynical power grab

LETTER: Election call a cynical power grab

The disingenuous, self-serving Horgan NDP has again demonstrated unequivocally that they are not interested in democracy or sharing power.
LETTER: Mural stokes embers of hate

LETTER: Mural stokes embers of hate

Thank you to Gord Gummer and Todd Preston for speaking up regarding the hateful message put into the mural in Bastion Square. And shame on Lisa Helps for not having those letters in the mural removed immediately.
LETTER: Sidney contradicts its own message

LETTER: Sidney contradicts its own message

I don’t know whether you realized it but the unintended juxtaposition of headlines from some recent Letters to the Editor combined with an ad in the same paper was pretty funny.
LETTER: Realism the best approach

LETTER: Realism the best approach

I believe that somewhere between optimism and pessimism is a concept called realism.
LETTER: Saanich councillor muzzled

LETTER: Saanich councillor muzzled

“Me Too” highlights the abuses to women are not only physical. Men suppressing a woman’s right to speak counts as well. Thanks to an astute Saanich council meeting observer’s letter in the Saanich News, titled “Saanich council out of order,” the intentional bureaucratic suppression in the name of a “point of order” to prevent Coun. Nathalie Chambers from speaking was revealed.
LETTER: Article on police shooting lacks context

LETTER: Article on police shooting lacks context

This letter focuses on one section of the article, Police board offers letter of support to VicPD amid ‘defund the police’ movement, posted on on Sept. 12.
LETTER: Democracy at stake in U.S. election

LETTER: Democracy at stake in U.S. election

I Implore all fellow Canadians who know Americans to remind them how important it is to vote this election.
LETTER: Artists create divisiveness

LETTER: Artists create divisiveness

Concerning the artists that added the acronym “ACAB” to a work despite no discussion or warning to the patrons that they were changing a positive, cohesive artwork into just more negative, divisive political graffiti: I hope their future patrons are made aware of their arrogance and lack of artistic integrity before they innocently trust these individuals.