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LETTER: Sculpture represents inclusivity

LETTER: Sculpture represents inclusivity

Re: Make public art accessible to all
LETTER: Drivers a greater risk than cyclists

LETTER: Drivers a greater risk than cyclists

Re: CRD tickets cyclists who ignore stop signs at Lochside trail, Saanich Road intersection .
LETTER: Act of kindness inspires woman to pay it forward

LETTER: Act of kindness inspires woman to pay it forward

I would like to thank the wonderful couple who helped me when I returned to my car, two grandsons in tow, to find a dead battery.
LETTER: Drivers need to get their heads out of the clouds

LETTER: Drivers need to get their heads out of the clouds

Recently I have had at least four near misses on the roads around Sidney that tell me people are just not focused on their driving, too much in a hurry or selfish to a degree that it is inevitable there is going to be a tragedy.
LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

As a scientist, it seems that David Suzuki has a very narrow view of global warming. CO2 may well be a contributor, but it is minor and the overriding factor is a consequence of our self-indulgence.
LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

LETTER: Less cars key to fighting climate change

As a scientist, it seems that David Suzuki has a very narrow view of global warming. CO2 may well be a contributor, but it is minor and the overriding factor is a consequence of our self-indulgence.
LETTER: Secondary suites can mitigate rising house prices

LETTER: Secondary suites can mitigate rising house prices

Re: the article on the survey on secondary suites that included the quote: “Oak Bay has never been affordable and should be kept that way.” That quote in the June 14 Oak Bay News is both erroneous and pompous.
LETTER: Passionate cyclists have a place in Haro Woods

LETTER: Passionate cyclists have a place in Haro Woods

I enjoyed Colin Castle’s letter, Bike enthusiasts have a place in Haro Woods . He has inspired me to write a supporting comment.
LETTER: New council follows familiar course on EDPA

LETTER: New council follows familiar course on EDPA

Re: Saanich councillor warns of ‘torturous experience’ as they consider replacing EDPA .
LETTER: Thank you to all who made Canada Day a success

LETTER: Thank you to all who made Canada Day a success

Wasn’t that a party?