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LETTER: Let carriage operators work in peace

LETTER: Let carriage operators work in peace

It is my understanding council voted May 16 on whether to review the horse and carriage industry next September, with the idea of phasing them out. And ridiculously replacing them with e-carriages, a.k.a. automobiles.
LETTER: Phase out Ben Isitt, not horse-drawn carriages

LETTER: Phase out Ben Isitt, not horse-drawn carriages

Coun. Ben Isitt wants to kill the horse-drawn carriage trade in Victoria, which in all likelihood also will mean killing the horses currently pulling these carriages.
LETTER: Sidney residents shine in their generosity

LETTER: Sidney residents shine in their generosity

On May 15, my friend and I were having a birthday dinner at Corner Thai. When I asked for the bill, I was told that someone – and they wouldn’t divulge who it was – had payed for our dinner. How wonderful is that!
LETTER: Transit trashers are out of touch

LETTER: Transit trashers are out of touch

Having relocated to the Peninsula in this decade and having experienced public transit globally, I scratch my head at the local transit bashers and those who feel they are entitled to a free ride.
LETTER: Fletcher ‘blurs reality’ on B.C. union public construction

LETTER: Fletcher ‘blurs reality’ on B.C. union public construction

Bridge, highway projects awarded to companies, not unions
LETTER: Licensing won’t curb bad cyclist habits

LETTER: Licensing won’t curb bad cyclist habits

A recent letter suggests a healthy dialogue between cyclists and drivers and makes a number of recommendations.
LETTER: Don’t tax what is normal

LETTER: Don’t tax what is normal

There’s not a person in the world that can show me with any degree of certainty that any kind of tax will affect or change the climate.
LETTER: Civility needed in SOGI debate

LETTER: Civility needed in SOGI debate

The recent protest of Jenn Smith’s planned talk in Oak Bay was seriously flawed by hooliganism.
LETTER: Biologist’s actions have ramifications for Saanich

LETTER: Biologist’s actions have ramifications for Saanich

This letter is in response to Anita Bull, president of Saanich Residents for a Responsible EDPA Society. Some relevant facts were incorrectly presented in her letter Oversight needed to protect public interest .
LETTER: Excavation work carries a cost to nature

LETTER: Excavation work carries a cost to nature

I read with dismay that SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson found it “’exciting’ to see the [new school] site has been levelled” on Skirt Mountain.