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LETTER: Cyclists need more from BC Transit

LETTER: Cyclists need more from BC Transit

Why do city buses only have the ability to carry two bicycles? My Smart car can carry two.
LETTER: Don’t feed the squirrels

LETTER: Don’t feed the squirrels

Squirrels are cute little animals and children like to watch them. Parents put peanuts out to attract and feed them.
LETTER: Happy to have helped senior after accident

LETTER: Happy to have helped senior after accident

I just read the article about the senior trapped under a scooter.
LETTER: Human life is more valuable than stone

LETTER: Human life is more valuable than stone

I too watched in dismay as Notre Dame burned and was amazed at how monies immediately began pouring in for its restoration – nearly a billion dollars within hours.
LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

I read with surprise Cole Migvar’s April 26 letter to the editor. He stated that “no significant change has been observed in homicide rates after the introduction of gun laws” but provides no statistics or evidence to back up this statement.
LETTER: Gun control is not the answer

LETTER: Gun control is not the answer

Gun control seems to be making the rounds in the news these days particularly in light of the massacre in New Zealand.
LETTER: Canada must step up in fight against malaria

LETTER: Canada must step up in fight against malaria

April 25 is World Malaria Day. Little known by most Canadians, malaria threatens almost half the global population – over three billion people. Hundreds of thousands die each year.
LETTER: Cyclists deserve more respect

LETTER: Cyclists deserve more respect

As an old lady who pedals a bicycle 6,400 km a year to and from work, I am mystified by the rabid loathing and hatred displayed in any social media discussion of bike lanes.
Building a better learning environment for B.C. students

Building a better learning environment for B.C. students

Minister’s message for Education Week, April 23-27
LETTER: Look to the future with renewable energy

LETTER: Look to the future with renewable energy

I am responding to your recent excellent editorial in the April 5 issue of the Saanich News .